General configuration

Initial configuration generation

The service needs a few unique secrets and keys to work. It mainly includes:

  • the various signing keys referenced in the secrets.keys section
  • the encryption key used to encrypt fields in the database and cookies, set in the secrets.encryption section
  • a shared secret between the service and the homeserver, set in the matrix.secret section

Although it is possible to generate these secrets manually, it is strongly recommended to use the config generate command to generate a configuration file with unique secrets and keys.

mas-cli config generate > config.yaml

If you're using the docker container, the command mas-cli can be invoked with docker run:

docker run config generate > config.yaml

This applies to all of the mas-cli commands in this document.

Note: The generated configuration file is very extensive, and contains the default values for all the configuration options. This will be made easier to read in the future, but in the meantime, it is recommended to strip untouched options from the configuration file.

Using and inspecting the configuration file

When using the mas-cli, multiple configuration files can be loaded, with the following rule:

  1. If the --config option is specified, possibly multiple times, load the file at the specified path, relative to the current working directory
  2. If not, load the files specified in the MAS_CONFIG environment variable if set, separated by :, relative to the current working directory
  3. If not, load the file at config.yaml in the current working directory

The validity of the configuration file can be checked using the config check command:

# This will read both the `first.yaml` and `second.yaml` files
mas-cli config check --config=first.yaml --config=second.yaml

# This will also read both the `first.yaml` and `second.yaml` files
MAS_CONFIG=first.yaml:second.yaml mas-cli config check

# This will only read the `config.yaml` file
mas-cli config check

To help understand what the resulting configuration looks like after merging all the configuration files, the config dump command can be used:

mas-cli config dump

Configuration schema

The configuration file is validated against a JSON schema, which can be found here. Many tools in text editors can use this schema to provide autocompletion and validation.

Syncing the configuration file with the database

Some sections of the configuration file need to be synced every time the configuration file is updated. This includes the clients and upstream_oauth sections. The configuration is synced by default on startup, and can be manually synced using the config sync command.

By default, this will only add new clients and upstream OAuth providers and update existing ones, but will not remove entries that were removed from the configuration file. To do so, use the --prune option:

mas-cli config sync --prune

Next step

After generating the configuration file, the next step is to set up a database.