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// Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
// Copyright 2022-2024 Kévin Commaille.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// Please see LICENSE in the repository root for full details.
//! Requests for using [Refresh Tokens].
//! [Refresh Tokens]:
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use mas_jose::claims::{self, TokenHash};
use oauth2_types::{
requests::{AccessTokenRequest, AccessTokenResponse, RefreshTokenGrant},
use rand::Rng;
use url::Url;
use super::jose::JwtVerificationData;
use crate::{
error::{IdTokenError, TokenRefreshError},
requests::{jose::verify_id_token, token::request_access_token},
types::{client_credentials::ClientCredentials, IdToken},
/// Exchange an authorization code for an access token.
/// This should be used as the first step for logging in, and to request a
/// token with a new scope.
/// # Arguments
/// * `http_client` - The reqwest client to use for making HTTP requests.
/// * `client_credentials` - The credentials obtained when registering the
/// client.
/// * `token_endpoint` - The URL of the issuer's Token endpoint.
/// * `refresh_token` - The token used to refresh the access token returned at
/// the Token endpoint.
/// * `scope` - The scope of the access token. The requested scope must not
/// include any scope not originally granted to the access token, and if
/// omitted is treated as equal to the scope originally granted by the issuer.
/// * `id_token_verification_data` - The data required to verify the ID Token in
/// the response.
/// The signing algorithm corresponds to the `id_token_signed_response_alg`
/// field in the client metadata.
/// If it is not provided, the ID Token won't be verified.
/// * `auth_id_token` - If an ID Token is expected in the response, the ID token
/// that was returned from the latest authorization request.
/// * `now` - The current time.
/// * `rng` - A random number generator.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if the request fails, the response is invalid or the
/// verification of the ID Token fails.
#[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields(token_endpoint))]
pub async fn refresh_access_token(
http_client: &reqwest::Client,
client_credentials: ClientCredentials,
token_endpoint: &Url,
refresh_token: String,
scope: Option<Scope>,
id_token_verification_data: Option<JwtVerificationData<'_>>,
auth_id_token: Option<&IdToken<'_>>,
now: DateTime<Utc>,
rng: &mut impl Rng,
) -> Result<(AccessTokenResponse, Option<IdToken<'static>>), TokenRefreshError> {
tracing::debug!("Refreshing access token…");
let token_response = request_access_token(
AccessTokenRequest::RefreshToken(RefreshTokenGrant {
let id_token = if let Some((verification_data, id_token)) =
let auth_id_token = auth_id_token.ok_or(IdTokenError::MissingAuthIdToken)?;
let signing_alg = verification_data.signing_algorithm;
let id_token = verify_id_token(id_token, verification_data, Some(auth_id_token), now)?;
let mut claims = id_token.payload().clone();
// Access token hash must match.
&mut claims,
TokenHash::new(signing_alg, &token_response.access_token),
} else {
Ok((token_response, id_token))