OAuth 2.0 scopes

The default policy shipped with MAS supports the following scopes:

OpenID Connect scopes

MAS supports the following standard OpenID Connect scopes, as defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0:


The openid scope is a special scope that indicates that the client is requesting an OpenID Connect id_token. The userinfo endpoint as described by the same specification requires this scope to be present in the request.

The default policy allows any client and any user to request this scope.


Requires the openid scope to be present in the request. It adds the user's email address to the id_token and to the claims returned by the userinfo endpoint.

The default policy allows any client and any user to request this scope.

Those scopes are specific to the Matrix protocol and are part of MSC2967.


This scope grants access to the full Matrix client-server API.

The default policy allows any client and any user to request this scope.

urn:matrix:org.matrix.msc2967.client:device:[device id]

This scope sets the device ID of the session, where [device id] is the device ID of the session. Currently, MAS only allows the following characters in the device ID: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and -. It also needs to be at least 10 characters long.

There can only be one device ID in the scope list of a session.

The default policy allows any client and any user to request this scope.


This scope grants access to a restricted set of endpoints that are available to guest users. It is mutually exclusive with the urn:matrix:org.matrix.msc2967.client:api:* scope.

Note that MAS doesn't yet implement any special semantic around guest users, but this scope is reserved for future use.

The default policy allows any client and any user to request this scope.

Synapse-specific scopes

MAS also supports one Synapse-specific scope, which aren't formally defined in any specification.


This scope grants access to the Synapse admin API.

Because of how Synapse works for now, this scope by itself isn't sufficient to access the admin API. A session wanting to access the admin API also needs to have the urn:matrix:org.matrix.msc2967.client:api:* scope.

The default policy doesn't allow everyone to request this scope. It allows:

  • users with the can_request_admin attribute set to true in the database
  • users listed in the policy.data.admin_users configuration option

MAS-specific scopes

MAS also has a few scopes that are specific to the MAS implementation.


This scope grants full access to the MAS Admin API.

The default policy doesn't allow everyone to request this scope. It allows:


This scope grants access to the whole MAS Internal GraphQL API. What permission the session has on the API is determined by the entity that the session is authorized as. When authorized as a user (and without the mas:urn:admin scope), this will usually allow querying and mutating the user's own data.

The default policy allows any client and any user to request this scope.

However, as noted in the Internal GraphQL API documentation, access to the Internal GraphQL API from outside of MAS itself is deprecated in favour of the Admin API.