

Jitsi Meet


A Jitsi Meet installation (holding one “shard”, term explained below) consists of the following different components:

  1. web This container represents the web frontend and is the entrypoint for each user.
  2. jicofo This component is responsible for managing media sessions between each of the participants and the videobridge.
  3. prosody This is the XMPP server used for creating the MUCs (multi-user conferences).
  4. jvb The Jitsi Videobridge is an XMPP server component that allows for multi-user video communication.

Jitsi uses the term “shard” to describe the composition that contains single containers for web, jicofo, prosody and multiple containers of jvb running in parallel. The following diagram depicts this setup:

Architecture Jitsi Meet

In this setup the videobridges can be scaled up and down depending on the current load (number of video conferences and participants). The videobridge typically is the component with the highest load and therefore the main part that needs to be scaled. Nevertheless, the single containers (web, jicofo, prosody) are also prone to running out of resources. This can be solved by scaling to multiple shards and we will explain this below. More information about this topic can be found in the Scaling Jitsi Meet in the Cloud Tutorial.


A multi-shard setup has to solve the following arising difficulties:

To achieve this, we use the following setup:

Architecture Sharding

Each of the shards has the structure described in the chapter Components.

HAProxy is the central component here, as it allows the usage of stick tables. They are used in the configuration to store the mapping between shards and conferences. HAProxy reads the value of the URL parameter room in order to decide if the conference this participant wants to join already exists (and hence leading the user to the correct shard) or if it is a conference which is not known yet. In the latter case simple round-robin load-balancing between the shards is applied and HAProxy remembers this new conference and routes all arriving participants of this conference to the correct shard. HAProxy uses DNS service discovery for finding the existing shards. The configuration can be found at haproxy.cfg and haproxy-config.yaml. To decrease the risk of failure a StatefulSet consisting of two HAProxy pods is used. They are sharing the stick tables holding the shard-conference mapping by using HAProxy’s peering functionality.

By default, we are using two shards. See Adding additional shards for a detailed explanation how to add more shards.

Kubernetes Setup

The full Kubernetes architecture for the Jitsi Meet setup in this repository is depicted below:

Architecture Jitsi Meet

The entrypoint for every user is the ingress that is defined in Values. At this point SSL is terminated and traffic is forwarded via HAProxy to the web service in plaintext (port 80) which in turn exposes a web frontend inside the cluster.

The other containers, jicofo, web and prosody, which are necessary for setting up conferences, are each managed by a rolling deployment.

When a user starts a conference it is assigned to a videobridge. The video streaming happens directly between the user and this videobridge.

The videobridges are managed by a statefulset (to get predictable pod names). A horizontal pod autoscaler governs the number of running videobridges based on the average value of the network traffic transmitted to/from the pods. It is also patched in the overlays to meet the requirements in the corresponding environments.

In addition, all videobridges communicate with the prosody server via a service of type ClusterIP. <!– In progress :)


The monitoring stack is comprised of a kube-prometheus setup that integrates

This stack is adapted and patched to fit the needs of the Jitsi Meet setup.

The deployment patch for Grafana adds a permanent storage to retain users and changes made in the dashboards. In addition, Grafana is configured to serve from the subpath /grafana. An ingress is defined to route traffic to the Grafana instance. Again, SSL is terminated at the ingress. In order to copy the Kubernetes Secret containing the certificate for your domain from namespace jitsi to the monitoring namespace, the kubernetes-reflector is used.

A role and a role binding to let Prometheus monitor the jitsi namespace is defined in prometheus-roleBindingSpecificNamespaces.yaml and prometheus-roleSpecificNamespaces.yaml respectively.

Prometheus also gets adapted by an environment specific patch that adjusts CPU/memory requests and adds a persistent volume.

Furthermore, metrics-server is used to aggregate resource usage data.

Videobridge monitoring

The videobridge pods mentioned above have a sidecar container deployed that gathers metrics about the videobridge and exposes them via a Rest endpoint. This endpoint is scraped by Prometheus based on the definition of a PodMonitor available by the Prometheus Operator. In folder Default of Grafana, you will find a dashboard for the current state of your Jitsi-installation.

Monitoring of other components

Stats of Prosody (using an additional add-on in a configmap) and HAProxy are also gathered by Prometheus and can hence be used for monitoring. Similar to the videobridges, PodMonitors are defined for them. –>

Adding additional shards

In order to add an additional shard, follow these steps:

  1. Change value of shardCount in Values
  2. Run helm upgrade jitsi ./ from the folder of the chart